Pipe Repair in Seattle. A Seattle homeowner contacted us regarding a break in their sewer pipe, but didn’t know if we would be able to repair the pipe as it transitioned from a 4-inch in the house to a 6-inch outside the house. Perma-Liner manufacturers transitional liners for this very problem as it’s quite common. This particular Seattle pipe was 70-feet long and needed pipe repair as soon as possible. Our Certified Installer, Trenchless Pipe Repair, LLC, was at the Seattle home the very next day to rehabilitate this pipe with the Perma-Lateral system! If you live in Seattle and need pipe repair to save your property, call us any time.

[box type=”info”]If you live in Seattle and have questions on the Perma-Liner™ products, please call us at anytime. 1-866-336-2568[/box]